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Tattoo Removal in Bangalore
The desire of making tattoo has become a fashion among younger generations and this body art is made by inserting ink that penetrates into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. There are various types of tattoos either temporary or permanent. Tattoo removal depends upon the type of ink used as well as the penetration layer of the skin.
Why remove a tattoo?
The tattoo has become more and more common today as many people are getting it done on their body. However, it might lead to many barriers, especially if you are changing jobs, moving into corporate, or government organizations, which has their own set of regulations and policies. Some people might have their tattoo done during their childhood and want to remove it. Making a tattoo is easy to remove, but it requires a lot of time and procedures. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for temporary tattoo instead of permanent.
But, there is a good news for those who are looking to remove unwanted tattoos or to get rid off permanently. The tattoo removal treatment is here by the best dermatologist professionals in Bangalore.
Tattoo Removal Treatment
Nowadays, LASER (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation) treatment procedure is used to remove tattoo. This technique is the most widely use of highly professionals due to minimally invasive and low risk of side effects. The procedure is performed under the strict supervision of a doctor. Tattoo removal can be done in a single session or multiple sessions (depends on the level of the skin).
Dr. Sunaina’s Advanced Dermatologist Center in Bangalore are specialized in removing various types of tattoos using safest methods and latest technology.
Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser
The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser the newest and advanced technology to remove tattoos used by our specialized team of doctors. It is a new paradigm of treatment that delivers light quickly and at a very high energy. The skin absorbs this laser energy, the pigment breaks into small particles and the fluids of the skin wash away the pigment/ink. This type of treatment is easy, quick, and painless and allows for complete removal of tattoos in 5-10 treatment sessions depending upon the gravity of the problem. Tattoo removal could require anywhere between 5-15 sessions. Before undergoing the treatment, consulting and discussing with the dermatologist for complete assessment is require.
Side Effects
After the treatment, a patient’s experience redness and possible crusting over the lesion, which might last for up to 5 days. Mild brushing can also occur in large areas with high laser energies and it might last for about a week. Minor blistering may be expected when treating black tattoos, which will turn into scabs in 4 to 5 days and may heal in one week’s time.
Typically, dark blue and dark green tattoos can be removed completely, whereas light blue and light green are difficult to treat completely. Older tattoos are easier to treat and may require fewer sessions.
Laser Tattoo Safest Procedure
Laser tattoo removal in Bangalore has become the most sought treatment due to its effective treatment procedure and minimal risk of side effects. However, post-treatment guidelines are needed to follow from the dermatologist once the treatment is completed.