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Q switched Nd YAG laser
The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser provides a new paradigm for the treatment of pigmented lesions like freckles, age spots, melasma, pigmented birthmarks and moles, along with removal of tattoos in all their popular colors. Pigment from the skin absorbs the laser energy and breaks apart. Once the pigment/tattoo colors are broken, the fluids in the skin wash away the pigment/ink. The treatment is easy, quick, painless and allows for complete removal of freckles, age spots, tattoos and melasma in 5-10 treatment sessions, depending upon the problem. Light brown freckles may need 2-3 sessions, dark brown lentigines may need 5-6 sessions, Lichen Planus pigmentation may need 10 sessions, and tattoos could require anywhere from 5-15 treatment sessions depending on the color , ink and age of the tattoo. The number of treatment sessions you will require will have to be discussed with the dermatologist in person and after a thorough assessment.
Birthmarks like café au lait spots or the Beckers nevus can be lightened from 50-60%. Patients experience redness and mild soreness for a day or two after treatment. In most instances, the treatment can be done without any anesthesia. But when large areas need to be treated, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the area for 45 minutes, for greater patient comfort. Post laser skin care is minimal.
The side effects include redness and possible crusting over the lesions which may last for up to 5 days. Mild bruising can also occur when large areas are treated with high laser energies. The bruising can last for up to a week.
When treating black tattoos, minor blistering may be expected in some patients, which will turn into scabs in 4-5 days, which will heal by the end of a week. Some colors like light blue and light green are difficult to treat completely. Older tattoos are easier to treat and require fewer sessions.
When treating freckles and moles, the freckles may appear larger soon after the treatment. This is because the underlying pigment has been shattered and scattered under the skin. This broken down pigment is then mopped up by your white blood cells, and the freckle will look smaller and lighter in about 10 days.
It is important to continue using sunscreens with or without skin lightening creams, as freckles and melasma can recur without proper skin care.

The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser provides a new paradigm for the treatment of pigmented lesions