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Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore
Pigmentation is a type of skin disorder that affects the color of the skin. Pigments called Melanin, which produces the balance amount of specialized cells of the skin, determines the skin color, which absorbs ultraviolet rays to protect the body from the sun. The variations in melanin production (either excessive or minimal) cause skin pigmentation disorders that can make a skin lighter, darker, or discolored than normal.
Causes of Skin Pigmentation Disorders
The root causes of the pigmented skin disorder might be due to several factors. The two types of pigmentation are:
Excessive pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation may occur due to the excessive amount of melanin pigment produced from cells (melanocytes) that is mainly responsible for providing color to the skin. Some of the common examples of hyper-pigmentation are freckles or dark spots, uneven spots due to ageing, etc. The main cause is due to internal factors like excessive exposure to sunlight or UV rays, side effects due to certain types of drugs or trauma to the skin, foreign particles on the skin.
Minimal or very less production of melanin leads to hypo-pigmentation. The primary cause is due to internal factors like such as hormones, endothelial cells, or biological conditions such as pregnancy, contacting with certain types of chemicals, or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Dietary imbalances and stress may also lead to hypo-pigmentation.
The treatment to cure pigmentation is not limited. There are various remedies and therapies based on the evaluation of the pigmented skin disorder by consulting with the best dermatologist in Bangalore helps you in getting the right treatment.
Pigmentation Treatment Types
Laser treatment does not require to treat all pigmentation disorder, may not suit all skin types. It is not affordable and accessible to all, and can actually make the certain pigmentation disorder worse. However, when it comes to certain indication like tattoos, lentigines or lichen planus pigmentation, laser treatment may be the only effective treatment option. IPLs are chosen for light-skinned individuals with poor skin texture, multiple freckles, uneven skin tones and facial ruddiness.
Q-Switched laser and Fractional Erbium YAG laser work better in other conditions such as under eye lines and pigmentation, acanthosis nigricans and macular amyloidosis. Laser toning uses low fluence Q-Switched laser in a fractional (pixilated beam) and is becoming increasingly popular for overall skin lightening and treatment of resistant pigmentation such as under eye pigmentation and lip pigmentation.
Chemical Peels, light based treatment and laser tones along with medications are effectively used for darkening skin found on the forehead, arms, and temple regions.
Q Switched ND YAG laser can be used to cure Melasma that occurs due to dark and irregular patches commonly found on forehead, nose, and upper part of the cheeks, upper lip and nose. It commonly occurs in women during pregnancy or post-delivery or sometimes it may be due to genetic.
Consulting with the best dermatologist for the best pigmentation treatment in Bangalore helps your skin specialist to know the exact reason for pigmentation. Based on detailed evaluation and looking at the history, the best possible treatment is given, either through medication or laser procedure.