About Us

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a light and energy based device which is designed to treat facial pigmentation, freckling and age spots, along with reducing facial redness, rosacea and collapsing small broken blood vessels (telangiectasia). In simple terms, it treats the red and brown blotches on your skin. It also has de-tanning and mild skin tightening benefits.
This provides an overall youthful appearance to the skin. These IPL treatments have also been referred to as ‘Photofacials’, literally meaning “facial using light energy”. IPLs are best avoided in darker skin tones, and are ideal for light skinned Indians (and other Asians), Caucasians and people of Middle-Eastern descent. IPLs are tricky devices which can cause severe burns and scars when used by poorly trained cosmetologists or non-medical technicians.
Choose an experienced dermatologist, preferably someone with specialized training in aesthetic lasers