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Laser Hair Removal Bangalore
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure to remove facial and body hairs. The laser hair removal treatment does not require any anesthesia and it is the simple procedure. The laser will effectively remove unwanted hairs from all areas of the body that gives maximum benefits including minimum discomfort and treatment time.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser hair removal treatment is steadily gaining towards popularity among people. The main aim is to get rid of unwanted hairs via simple procedure and the laser hair removal is an answer that gives an effective process. During the treatment process, an intense laser beam light penetrates through the skin and reaches each hair follicle. The heat produced by the beam is quite strong and destroy the follicle. The hair follicle thus destroys the re-growth of the hair without any damage to the surrounding tissue beneath the skin.
Long Term Laser Hair Reduction
The laser hair removal treatment is carried out by seeking the long term laser hair reduction and it is the best treatment in the world for permanently reducing facial and body hairs. Backed by high-quality treatment and newer technologies to safeguard the treatment process, Dr. Sunaina’s Advance Dermatology Center in Bangalore believes in performing the procedure that has more effective towards safest and virtually painless process. Professional sound experienced and highly trained dermatologists always achieve in getting desired results by providing the kind of treatment that rejuvenates your needs.
Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
Our expertise dermatologist under the guidance of Dr. Sunaina Hameed are adapting to latest laser hair removal techniques by switching on to the Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine, which is far more effective than the older Nd:YAG and IPL based hair removal devices. The Diode laser wavelength offers the deepest penetration levels and superior melanin absorption. These unique characteristics make the diode laser even more suitable technology for hair removal treatment process, enabling safe and effective treatment for all types of skin tones and hair types, in all body parts.
Diode Laser Hair Removal Treatment Process
Diode hair removal process is found to be highly effective in reducing thick hairs. It is moderately effective in minimizing fine hair as well. The Diode laser has specialized features and characteristics. A longer wavelength provides effective results among dark-skinned individuals. It penetrates deep into the skin layer and large areas of the body tend to recover quickly. Laser treatments can make your hair thinner, lighter, and finer. It reduces the number of hairs and the speed of hair regrowth in the treated area. The number of sittings required is about 4-6 or even more. So, by the end of 4 to 6 treatments on your underarms, you will only have a few stray strands of hair left, which you may have to wax once in 3 to 6 months, as they do not grow back very quickly. Do check ‘Patient Information Leaflets – Cosmetic’ for further information.
Before and After Procedure
The required procedures need to be followed before and after the laser hair treatment procedure. Laser hair removal treatment cannot be done during pregnancy and nursing. If any sort of ailments or allergies you are having, inform the doctors. Post-surgery you need to avoid the sun for 73 hours and make sure that you use sunscreen. There will be redness or swelling, applying of cold compress on the area will help and keep contact with your dermatologist for instructions and ensure that you keep appointment schedules for subsequent treatments in order to enjoy the best results.