About Us

- Hansen's Disease
- Venereology
- Skin Biopsy
- Targeted Phototherapy
- Cryotherapy
- Treatment of Warts
- Keloids
- Mole Mapping
- Allergy Patch Testing
- Wood's Lamp Examination
- Milia and Molluscum extraction
- Treatment of Corns and Calluses
- Medical Dressings
- Testing for Fungal Infections
- Chamber Phototherapy
- Dermatoscopy
Geriatric Dermatology
Almost every senior citizen has one skin ailment or the other. While some of my older patients visit me for aesthetic and anti-ageing treatments, several others are plagued with various skin ailments. Often times, an elderly patient with a chronic itch without visible rashes, may actually be suffering from lymphoma or an impending (potentially fatal) skin disorder like Bullous Pemphigoid.
Psoriasis often makes its very first appearance in patients over the age of 60. Skin in this age is thinner, fragile and prone to dryness and bruising. Most elderly patients also suffer from various medical disorders, which either make them prone to skin ailments, or make them poor candidates for conventional medical treatment. An experienced dermatologist is needed to care for geriatric skin disorders in a gentle yet effective manner, keeping in mind their limitations and medical co-morbidities.

Elderly patient with a chronic itch without visible rashes, may actually be suffering from lymphoma or an impending skin disorder