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The skin is the largest organ of
the human body. It is the only organ
which is accessible to direct inspection,
by our own unforgiving eyes
and by those of the world.
Dermal Fillers
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is the only organ which is accessible to direct inspection, by our own unforgiving eyes and by those of the world. It is the organ which endures the maximal abuse from external agents like sunlight, winds, soaps, cosmetics and pollution. As our bodies age, so does our skin. The fibers of the lower layers of the skin are responsible for its elasticity and tenacity. The fat and collagen underlying our skin begins to diminish due to the natural aging process. Therefore, our skin starts to sag, develop lines and wrinkles, loss volume and form hollows.
Soft tissues fillers are flexible substances that can be injected into the skin to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, plump lips, fill out hollows, elevate scars and deep folds and repair various other facial imperfections and asymmetry. It is one of the most reliable tools among the dermatologist’s armamentarium of anti-ageing and skin rejuvenating procedures. The advantage with fillers is the semi- invasive technique, the minimal downtime, the instantaneous results, and the high safety record of modern day fillers. The filler material used is US FDA approved, and is safe in men and women of all skin types and skin color.
Dermal fillers can be injected into areas with fine lines and wrinkles. Most of the problem areas include the skin around the eyes, laugh lines, the wrinkles around the lips, drooping at the corners of lips, and a prominent frown. It can also be used to lift sagging eyebrows, give one a defined nose bridge (which can make a large nose appear smaller), or create a well defined chin for someone suffering from a small and poorly defined chin. Other areas that can be enhanced by dermal fillers include the lips, which can look fuller and younger after an injection. Scarring from acne or injury to the face can also be corrected with dermal fillers. Larger amounts of dermal fillers can be used to create volume in an ageing face. This procedure is known as a “mid face volume augmentation”, which acts as a “liquid face lift”.
Your dermatologist will first take a detailed history, including medical and surgical ailments, allergies, medications used etc. This is followed by a physical assessment and categorization of the wrinkles, including photography. You will be questioned on your expectations from the treatment and the ‘problem areas’ as perceived by you. You will then be given some patient information literature for your education. We prefer not to inject a new patient at the first consultation. We prefer to give them time to read and understand the literature, and do the injections at the second consultation. The actual treatment is well- tolerated and takes just a few minutes with instantaneous results and no “down time”.
Our facility offers Hyaluronic Acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are semi-permanent fillers, light in consistency ( hence give a more smooth and natural appearance ) and do not require any pre- treatment allergy testing. Older fillers sometimes lead to formation of bumpy lines and nodules, which can only be corrected by surgical removal. Such a complication is practically unheard of with Hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring acid found in all mammals that helps to hydrate and add volume to your skin. In addition to its use as an aesthetic treatment, hyaluronic acid has also been used for more than 20 years for injection into arthritic joints to aid movement as well as for eye surgeries and wound repair. The Hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers offered by our facility include Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Esthelis, Fortelis, Revennese and Teosyal.
The procedure is quite simple and is completed over 10-15 minutes. A local anesthetic cream will be applied to the areas to be treated. This cream will be left on for 30-45 minutes, during which you can feel that area becoming numb. When the area is completely numb, the anesthetic is wiped away, the area is cleaned with an alcohol swab, and your dermatologist will ease the injectable filler into the skin lines or the upper border of the lip using a fine needle. You will be assessed again after a week. At this point, you may require a ‘touch-up’ injection to perfect the results. If several lines and wrinkles are being treated at a time, the entire procedure may be divided into two sessions for your comfort.
Dermal fillers are a temporary treatment. The results last for about 9-12 months, after which the filler has to be re-injected in order to maintain the results. There are not many documented side-effects with hyaluronic acid fillers. The injection may cause some discomfort during and after the procedure. There can be temporary redness, swelling, pain, bruising and/or itching over the treated areas, soon after the injections. Any side-effect that may be experienced is temporary, and resolves on its own within 3 days. Applying ice packs to the treated sites can minimize side-effects in 36 hours.