About Us

- Pediatric Dermatology
- Women's Dermatology
- Geriatric Dermatology
- Hansen's Disease
- Venereology
- Skin Biopsy
- Targeted Phototherapy
- Cryotherapy
- Treatment of Warts
- Keloids
- Mole Mapping
- Allergy Patch Testing
- Wood's Lamp Examination
- Milia and Molluscum extraction
- Treatment of Corns and Calluses
- Medical Dressings
- Testing for Fungal Infections

It has been found that “treatment using light” can also prove curative for certain diseases that are caused or aggravated by sunlight.
Chamber Phototherapy
Skin.Health Advanced Dermatology Center is proud to introduce our Daavlin UV series Chamber Phototherapy Unit in January 2020. This US FDA approved American device offers both full body Narrow Band Ultra Violet B (UVB) as well as Ultra Violet A (UVA) therapies.
Phototherapy offers safe, effective and painless treatment for a multitude of skin ailments like Vitiligo, Psoriasis, extensive Eczema, Lichen Planus, generalized severe itching not responding to oral and topical medications.. to name a few. It has been found that “treatment using light” can also prove curative for certain diseases that are caused or aggravated by sunlight.
The use of sunlight to treat skin ailments started in India and Egypt over 3000 years ago. It is still used, not only by Dermatologists but by Ayurvedic and Homeopathy practitioners as well.
Phototherapy refines this very concept. It also uses Ultraviolet radiation – similar to sunlight. But unlike natural sunlight that cannot be ‘switched on, switched off, powered up, or turned down’, with Phototherapy, you can control, increase and modify the radiation, as per your skin’s needs.
The treatment only takes a few minutes. A private room is provided for you to undress (to the degree of exposing the afflicted parts of the body). Protective goggles are provided for eye protection.
A face shield will be provided for those who do not have any facial lesions, and want to protect their face from tanning. Treatments are needed 2-3 times a week. 15-20 sessions are generally recommended, though more treatments may be advised, depending upon the medical condition, its extent and its severity.
For Ultraviolet A treatments, a pill called ‘Psoralen’ needs to be consumed 2 hours before the treatment. In the case of UVA treatment, eye protection (Polaroid sunglasses) and sun protection (using sunscreens) must continue for the rest of the day, while outdoors.
It is fine, perhaps preferable to use coconut oil or liquid paraffin oil to your body, say, one hour before the treatment. However, do not use any sunscreen, perfumes, deodorants, after-shaves or fragrance-containing creams or lotions.
Sunscreen and/or moisturizer can be used AFTER the treatment to soothe the slight redness or itching that is likely to appear for a few hours after the treatment.
Our center offers Targeted Phototherapy as well – which uses a Broadband Ultraviolet B laser device, for those with small lesions in limited areas and wish to avoid full-body exposure to radiation. In providing this combination, we can combine and rotate between Narrow Band & Broad Band UVB and UVA treatments – for optimum results.
UVB treatments are safe, even in children and pregnant women. UVA treatments can be performed on children older than 12 years of age. It can eliminate the need for using immune-system suppressing drugs, in the above-mentioned conditions.
It is free from side-effects on the human system, so most patients can be good candidates for this treatment. It is relatively inexpensive, and hence, accessible to all.