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Avoidance of Pollen
Avoidance of pollen (including parthenium)
- Keep windows closed on windy days and at peak pollen times, eg in the evenings when air-borne pollen descent to lower altitudes. Reduce outdoor activity on such days.
- Wear glasses or sunglasses to prevent pollen from entering into eyes.
- While riding a two-wheeler, a three- wheeler or a non-A/C bus, consider wearing a mask over the nose and mouth to prevent inhalation of pollens at peak time. Use a helmet with visor for two- wheeler driving.
- Do not cut grass yourself.
- Keep windows closed when the grass is being mowed.
- Use air-conditioning if possible.
- Install car pollen filters if possible.
- Always wear covered long-sleeved garments.
- In case of Parthenium allergy, use a sunscreen three times a day on exposed parts. Do not forget to apply sunscreen over the ears.
- Take a shower after coming home.
- Wash the clothes after outdoor activity and wear fresh clothes.
- Dry all your clothes indoors.
- Wash hair daily