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Acne Scars Treatment in Bangalore
Acne or in medical terms Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin disease, commonly referred to as ‘pimples’ or ‘zits.’ These oil glands are connected to the skin pores via follicles. Sebum – these glands produce an oily gland and follicles become overactive. Pimples appear on the skin when these follicles are blocked. It is very common among people who have oily skin, which leaves scars on the skin. With advance treatment, highly expertise skin care specialists in Bangalore offer the best procedures to remove acne scars. The problem usually starts in adolescence and can persist until the age of 30s. Sometimes, women in the age of late 30s or 40s also develop acne, which is called as ‘Adult Onset Acne’ and it is due to the hormonal fluctuations.
Acne Scars Causes
Acne can be aggravated due to oil and cream based moisturizers, high SPF sunscreens (ranging from SPF 50 and above). Even most of the cosmetics and foundations can contribute aggravation of acne. Mild acne at an early infancy is considered to be normal and is a transient phenomenon. Acne involving only the back, is common in tropical areas, especially among back-packers. Acne will be worse during summers and high humidity can aggravate acne. Chefs and drivers are prone to high incidence of acne. Last but not the least, it is important to remember that certain medications can cause acne in adults. This may include certain childbirth pills, steroids, anabolic steroids, lithium, phenytoin, and anti-tuberculosis medication.
Acne can have a hereditary component, which includes; age of onset, the distribution of acne, the severity of acne and the tendency to scar.
Acne also appears in association with weight gain, irregular periods, hair thinning, and/or excessive facial or body hair in women. It is required to consult an endocrinologist to get the opinion.
Acne can result in poor self-esteem, social involvement and even loss of job opportunities. Since the problem generally begins in adolescence, the feelings of embarrassment and rejection are the realistic factor, which cannot be ruled out and traumatic to the sufferer. If ignored, acne can leave permanent marks and scars, which can be even difficult to treat and may even prove to be an economically and emotionally costly affair to the patient.
Skin Changes That Result In Acne
Acne is a disease of the sebaceous (oil) glands, and it arises from the hair follicle to which these glands are attached. The size of these glands is inversely proportional to the diameter of the hair shaft. This is why acne is more common on the face and back, and less common on the scalp.
These glands produce an oily secretion called sebum, which is responsible for the normal sheen of skin and hair. However, in people with acne, this sebum is increased and chemically altered by skin bacteria (appropriately named Propionibacterium Acnes). This altered acne is very sticky, and instead of being smoothly secreted out of the hair follicle, they tend to clump and clog the opening of the hair follicles. This clogged and altered sebum leads to the appearance of black heads and white heads, which are the first stages of acne.
The plugged sebum begins to stretch the follicle. At this point, the pimple feels like a bump in the skin. This provides an ideal environment for the P. Acnes bacteria to fester and multiply, which in turn leads to inflammation. This is the stage where acne presents with pain, heat, redness and pus formation. When the tension inside this pus pocket exceeds, either spontaneously or by manipulation and squeezing, the acne bursts through the skin, discharging the pus inside, and healing with pigmentation and a scar.
Treatment of Acne Scars Removal
The treatment of acne is aimed to dissolve the follicular plug, which reduces the oil production glands, killing the P. Acnes bacteria and reducing inflammation. Different creams and antibiotic tablets can help to achieve the above-mentioned goals. People having black heads and white heads may have to undergo treatment by a highly trained dermatologist to remove manually under sterile conditions. Retinoid creams are the mainstay of acne therapy medication. However, first-time retinoid users will experience a mild flare-up of acne in the first 1-2 weeks of the treatment, but MUST NOT discontinue the medication, as the fresh crop acne will resolve on continuing the retinoid acne therapy. Women who are pregnant or eager to conceive MUST always consult with their dermatologist so that your doctor gives the best prescription accordingly. For severe acne, oral antibiotics or Isotretinoin may be prescribed.
At Dr. Sunaina’s facility center for Skin Care – the best Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Bangalore, anti-acne chemical peels are also offered for those who do not wish or unsuitable for treatment with antibiotics or Isotretinoin. Women, who have the history of hormonal disturbances will have to get evaluated first and treated by the endocrinologist as well, in order to maximize the efficacy of the anti-acne therapy.
The redness and mild scaling are left after a pimple heals may be obvious in the fair-skinned. However, it disappears on its own in a span of 1 to 2 months and does not require any treatment. In darker-skinned individuals, pimples may heal with residual pigmentation. This can be again be faded by using prescribed medicated creams, chemical peels, and/or microdermabrasion. Shallow scars and pits may also be treated using microdermabrasion, which can soften the appearance of the scars. Moderately deep scars can be remodeled using dermarollers and fractional resurfacing lasers. These methods are highly dependent on practitioner technique by skin and dermatology specialist or it may lead to further scarring in untrained hands.