About Us

- Nasal NK/ T- cell Lymphoma presenting as Lethal Midline Granuloma: A Case Report - Awarded Third Prize at Cuticon KT 2007 Conference
- Generalized Linear Morphea in a child : A Case Report. Poster Presentation at Dermacon 2007 Jan at Chennai; Oral Presentation at BDA Annual Meet - Awarded Third Prize at Annual Meet of Bangalore Dermatological Society 2007
- Thoracic Actinomycosis with Systemic Manifestations - A Case Report Awarded 'Best Paper' First Prize - Cuticon KT 2006
- Talk on 'Efficacy and Safety of Fractional Erbium:YAG laser in the treatment of acne scars: A pilot study involving 17patients - Cuticon KT 2009
- Talk on LE-LP overlap in patient with Secondary APLA syndrome and PCOS: Diagnosis and Management - South Zone Dermacon 2012
- Invited Lecture at Kasturba Medical College Manipal to speak on Fundamentals of Laser Physics & Laser Safety, The Diode (laser) Experience, My approach to Acne Scars and Management of Striae - June 2014
- Invited Lecture on Sunscreen Regulations at Dermacon 2015 National Conference, Mangalore, India